McCloskey & Bonnin Valuation Group PSC


50+ years experience in real estate advisory services, including appraisals, consulting, and insurance claims processing in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands

Proven track record of providing high-quality and on-time services for large, complex projects such as

  • Appraisals of hospital, warehouse and shopping center portfolios simultaneously

  • Adjustments for insurers in catastrophic events, handled over 4,000 claims in an 11-month period in the wake of Hurricane MarĂ­a and currently handling over 400 claims after the January 2017earthquakes.

  • Residential appraisals for R3 HUD/PRDOH Program

Highly qualified professional and administrative staff

  • 6 Appraisal Institute MAI designations

  • 1 Counselors of Real Estate CRE designation

  • 16 Licensed Residential Appraisal Associates

  • On-Call support staff with degrees and experience in real estate related fields, including brokerage, banking and law

  • 4 Licensed insurance adjusters

  • 1 Licensed Professional Engineer